BAFI� was conceived in 1996 as a means to warn the patient of low pressure in an oxygen cylinder. The oxygen delivery system was prescribed to Bettie McDermott who was earlier diagnosed with a respiratory-pulmonary disease. The first working prototype was complete in May of 1997, and again redesigned in November of 1997. In February of 1998 the redesigned prototype was sent to the US Patents Office for evaluation and the Company completed its' production model in March, 2000.

Fritz and Bettie McDermott have been using the BAFI� product since 1996. Seen here (left photo) is a final production unit. Notice the group of tanks to the far left of the photo. Most patients require multiple tanks on a weekly basis. The tanks are serviced by local contracted oxygen supply companies. The BAFI� provides convenience and assurance to the patient.

Ingen Technologies has completed development of the BAFI� product and is prepared to sell its core products and services. During 1997 through 1998 the company was engaged in the research and development of their BAFI� system, test marketing the device, applying for patent(s), developing tooling & manufacturing, and forming the distribution channels for their product.

Since the completion of the BAFI� system there has been constant growth of its' acceptance with the medical device market, military, aircraft industry, motor home & camping supplies, aqua marine diving industry, institutional and government marketplace. In 1998 the company began its research & development with their market planning of the BAFI� system.

The Company has evaluated the BAFI� product and has determined its' strengths and weaknesses. The overall opinion of the evaluation indicates that the BAFI� product is a compliment to most existing pressurized gas delivery systems. These conclusions are as follows:

  • Product safety is more than satisfactory and not a major concern.
  • The use of the product will have no negative effect on the environment.
  • The product will have no negative impact upon the general welfare of society.
  • The product will function in its' present state as intended.
  • A moderate investment is needed which would be recoverable.
  • The risk of financial loss is relatively low.
  • The expected pay back period for the investment is 3 years.
  • Anticipated sales will cover all costs.
  • Marketing research to develop a market-ready product is straightforward.
  • The R & D required to reach the production-ready stage is complete.
  • The total market for this product is medium in size.
  • Expected sales of the product are substantial. Economy of scale is likely.
  • The market demand for this type of product has the potential for moderate growth.
  • The demand for the product is likely to be stable.
  • The product has multiple market or use potential. Therefore the risk is less.
  • The product's life cycle will be 8-10 years.
  • The product's compatibility with existing attitudes and methods of use is high.
  • The amount of learning required to use the product is low.
  • The level of need is high. The product satisfies psychological needs of the patient.
  • The product has a high degree of dependence on other products, processes, or systems.
  • The advantages and benefits of the product are visible and easily communicated.
  • The costs required for promotion are moderate relative to expected sales.
  • Sales will be proportional to the development of distribution channels.
  • The need to provide product support and services are low.
  • This product is perceived as superior to competition.
  • The costs of the product to the user are equal to or lower than that of any competition.
  • Existing competition to the product is low.
  • The ability to protect proprietary rights of the product are good.

With the development and manufacturing of the BAFI� system, the Company is prepared to meet distribution quantities. The market potential of the products is above average. It is a new product offering a price that is within reach of the average customer. The product can also be administered profitably through its distributors and a direct sales network.

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