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Daniel Scherer

Daniel Scherer, President of Secure Health, Inc., specializes in market development, and has more than 10 years experience in developing markets in the chiropractic industry. With more than 60,000 licensed chiropractors in the United States, Mr. Scherer comes to Ingen Technologies to expand Secure Balance sales in the multi-billion dollar chiropractic market. With earning his business degree from Davis College in Ohio, Daniel has been instrumental in marketing, advertising, business development and publication within the chiropractor market for the past decade. As the executive publisher of Chiropractic Economics� magazine for several years, he spearheaded the rebirth of the first chiropractic trade journal. Serving as Managing Director for the Chiropractic Association for Research & Education he developed and initiated numerous member benefits and affinity plans. He was founder and CEO of the Ventura Group where multiple corporate acquisitions were successfully complete within the medical technology based industry. He has lectured at Indiana University and Purdue University for the School of Business and Management Services, as well as provided teaching assignments at the Northeast Indiana Small Business Development Center on "How to Start Your Own Business". He has more recently co-founded the Visual Injury Analysis company and NuChoice Medical, Inc.. he is the current founder for Spinal Health by American Decompression Therapy, Inc.. Daniel Scherer directs and develops the Secure BalanceT sales program for the chiropractic markets for Ingen Technologies.

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