-Proprietary Technology to be a part of the $4 Billion Respiratory Therapy Device Market-
For Release Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 4:00 PM (EST)
Yucaipa, California – Ingen Technologies, Inc. (OTC:ITEC), a medical device manufacturer and research developer of “next generation” medical technologies, announced today that production of its newest OxyView™ medical device has commenced. Deliveries are scheduled for October 2006.
Ingen’s OxyView™ is a proprietary medical device that provides a visual signal of gas flow through a conduit. In particular, OxyView™ is a pneumatic flow meter that provides a visual cue, viewable with the human eye, as to the flow of gas through a cannula, which conventionally employs very low pressure and gas volume to the patient wearing it. The Company’s proprietary device is adapted to be engaged between the nose or mouth-mounted cannula, where a compressed oxygen supply is delivered to the cannula through a flexible conduit. OxyView™ delivers an easily readable confirmation of actual continuous flow and volume of oxygen.
Ingen’s OxyView™ application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Serial Number 60/780,980, filed on March 10, 2006. Patents have also been filed in Japan, Peoples Republic of China and in the European Communities in order to satisfy exclusive relationships with various over-seas distributors.
According to the most current government reports and public statistical data, respiratory diseases are increasingly common ailments in both advanced and developing countries. With some 8-9% of Americans suffering from asthma, Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease (COPD), bronchitis or other respiratory conditions, the high incidence and prevalence has translated into a large market for disposable respiratory products of $15 billion worldwide in 2005 with 70% related to asthma. Excluding asthma inhalers, the market for respiratory therapy devices still exceeds $4 billion and is expected to grow at 10% CAGR to over $6 billion by 2010. Further, the studies indicate an increase of patients with COPD, who are a prime population for the continuous use of oxygen in hospitals, long term care facilities and in the home. Many innovative drugs and medical devices are in the pipeline to treat respiratory diseases. The Company has targeted these markets for the sale of OxyView™.
Ingen Technologies CEO and Chairman Scott Sand said, “With the long-awaited introduction of our OxyView™ product and the resulting production, the growth potential for Ingen and the benefits to our shareholders are greatly improved. OxyView™ is FDA Registered and Classified, and sells for $14.95. We look forward to a successful introduction.”
The Ingen website offers multimedia information about OxyView™.
About Ingen Technologies, Inc.
Ingen Technologies, Inc. develops and markets cutting-edge medical technologies designed to increase accuracy of medical care and prevent unnecessary medical costs associated with today’s healthcare industry. Ingen is a medical device manufacturer that owns two US patent(s), one US Patent Pending and three Foreign Patent Pending(s), several trademarks, intellectual property and proprietary medical products. The Company’s Secure Balance™ product generates revenues for the company, and is a private-label product that includes a vestibular function testing system and balance therapy system that can identify and prevent fall injuries for the ever-growing elderly population.
The Company’s flagship product is OxyAlert™, a second-generation design of the Company’s BAFI™ product line that provides a low-oxygen safety warning device used on remote oxygen cylinders for patients, hospitals, commercial aircraft, military transport, and fire and safety equipment. OxyAlert™ technology uses digital sensing and RF frequency transfer so that caregivers can access a hand-held remote to monitor the actual oxygen level of any oxygen cylinder from a reasonable distance. OxyAlert™ increases safety and convenience for patients and clinical staff.
OxyView™, Patent Pending and FDA registered, is a pneumatic gauge that provides visual monitoring of oxygen flow-rate for patients (young and old) in the hospital, surgical room, outpatient therapy, nursing homes and emergency response facilities. This product enhances the safety, assurance and accuracy of patients being administered oxygen from any source. OxyView™ is a lightweight pneumatic gauge that is attached to the oxygen tubing just below the neck that informs nursing staff of the oxygen flow rate near the patient and the cannula; allowing instant information to inform a physician or technician of any leak or inaccuracy between the delivery source and the cannula.
For more information, visit: www.ingen-tech.com or www.otcfn.com/igtg
Contact: Scott R. Sand, C.E.O & Chairman
Ingen Technologies, Inc. - Administrative Office
35193 Avenue "A", Suite-C
Yucaipa, California 92399
Phone: (800) 259-9622 or (909) 790-7180
Fax: (800) 777-1186 or (909) 795-6340
Email: [email protected]
A Member of the Better Business Bureau A Member of the Chamber of Commerce A Licensed Business in the City of Yucaipa
A Member of Dun & Bradstreet
Safe Harbor for Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company’s progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management’s opinion. Whereas management believes such representations to be true and accurate based on information and data available to the company at this time, actual results may differ materially from those described. The company’s operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ will be set forth in the company’s periodic filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.